Wednesday, January 2, 2013

At the airport ready to leave

Recapping from notes I had written in the airport in Miami on December 30 2012

I have made it to the airport and stood in the lines. Miraculously I'm still alive. I haven't checked yet but I'm 90% certain that I packed my dissection kit in my carry-on oops... Thank god they didn't give me a hassle, or even stop me for that matter. I would not have wanted to get delayed.

I woke up this morning after a half hour's sleep and being up all night to celebrate my dear Sarah's birthday. I know she had a blast because I most certainly did hanging out with our friends Kate, Dominique, Liam, and Vaughn. We all had a great time playing Cards Against Humanity (R-rated Apples to Apples) , and dancing. I hope to add them on Facebook soon enough. (I still can't get wifi in the airport, stupid phone!!)

Right now all I can think about is Sarah and our goodbye. There are only four short months that lie between us before I can see her again. It's hard to admit, but I choked just thinking about it. I know that med school is exactly what I want and where my life is leading me, and that is exactly what I'm going to do. The goodbye was exactly what I expected. Tears, and a long beautiful embrace that just couldn't end. I still can't stop thinking about it. I have about 50 minutes until my flight takes off, and I've only eaten a piece of toast, yet I'm just not hungry. I'm tired and worrisome, but I'm gonna make it.  I miss my family as well. I haven't seen them since before Christmas and I want to know how their holiday was. I honestly feel that I will have absurd culture shock simply from not having my cell phone readily available. I might have to get one. Not having a phone in the airport alone has been the hardest technological feat yet.

I cannot wait to update my family on my life away from home!


The first flight was successful, although I did feel the need to say a prayer as we landed. I found my gate number and I was on my next plane before I knew it. This plane was much warmer though. I could definitely feel the difference in temperature already. This weather really makes me want to get in shape. I can hear a few people talking and it sounds like they are med school bound. I'm really excited to see how this next ride will affect me.You will here from me once I land and get situated!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nick! I'm finally signing on and joining you in your adventure. I got all choked up on the first entry! Can't wait to read on....
